Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tuesday 15 May 2007 - Fayetteville to Wilmington NC

Said our goodbyes to JB and Betty and headed off. Short detour to General Jackson's store which specialises in military paraphernalia to drop off a couple of koalas to two salesgirls who were nice to JB and Ian the previous day.

We set Tom to direct us to the township of Atkinson NC avoiding motorways. A couple of hours later down country roads saw us arrive in Atkinson. Lucky we didn't blink! We mailed greeting cards in lieu of postcards, which were not available, to a couple of the Atkinson clan so that they would receive them postmarked Atkinson.

The main activity in the town was three good ol' boys beside their pickup trucks, sitting under a tent selling boiled peanuts, or as they call them here - goober peas. The southern accents have us in stitches!

We carried on to the Moore Creek Battle field which dates back to the Revolutionary war 1776 and had a look through their museum.

Finally on to Wilmington where I am writing this in a little log Kabin at a KOA (Kampgrounds of America). We have just returned from dinner at Wahoo Willies where we dined on crawfish gumbo followed by steamed crawfish and salad after a pre dinner snack of deep fried cinnamin coated sweet potato washed down with a few pints of local beer and a pint of local coffee so should sleep well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello to the intrepid explorers!
I was hoping to see photos of the good-looking women Ian told me about on Wednesday. Sounds like you're having a great time. BTW Ian, Larson has stolen your Friday morning spot... you may have to wrestle for it back ;-) And some old bag war widow has Wednesday... so you're most welcome to have it back. Lots of love Rach (and Trent's here too...)